Jones, Lang, LaSalle (JLL) & Stratford Land

For  JLL and Stratford Land, two national real estate companies in the private sector, Conbrio designed and led scenario planning projects. One was to stress-test the company’s current strategy; the other was to find new offerings the company might add to its services list. In both instances, the Conbrio team guided participants in interacting with leading experts it had invited from across the country in areas including energy, transportation, green issues, the office of the future, demographics and regional economics.  Participants used knowledge from the experts along with their own experience to create realistic, plausible, alternative worlds their companies might find themselves operating in – some good, some bad – in the next 10 years. Using the scenarios as a guide, they decided where to focus their resources, and where to hedge their resources to best prosper no matter which future becomes the reality.


Providing the leadership to go deep in our strategic thinking. Then, concisely expressing that thinking to others. That’s what Bill Bancroft and his Conbrio crew do when we work together. Bill helps me and my team look at all the plausible alternative futures, to stress test our direction, to confirm or modify different parts of our strategy. Then he helps us articulate in words and images the messages I need to convey to prospective investors. He is so effective, prospective investors understand the opportunities we offer better than our competitors’. That’s led to our enormous success in raising the capital we need and in delivering the results we envisioned.

Phillip Wiggins – Managing Principal, Stratford Company